Tag: hope

  • What a Day!

    Hard Days

    Sometimes, life just seems too hard. Rent is due. Car needs work. Kids need new clothes. Having trouble with my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fill-in-the-blank. On top of it all, some artificial intelligence (AI) is probably about to take my job and make me obsolete!
    In some ways, in seems like it would have been easier to live in a different time. In other ways, we can marvel at what we see and be thankful that we live in this time (can you say air conditioning?). The Bible tells us about people who also went through struggles – some of them far worse.


    We can understand how Job felt. He had seven sons and three daughters. He was very wealthy, and everyone respected him. In one day, all of his cattle were either stolen or killed, and all of his children were killed. He lost all of his possessions. Later, he got some type of skin disease. He looked and felt horrible. He had nothing. He lost all of his children. All of his friends and neighbors considered him cursed of God, and even the children mocked him. His best friends came to comfort him, but they only made him feel worse.
    He no longer wanted to exist. Notice, though, that he never mentioned suicide, nor did he curse God. Instead, he praised God and confirmed his trust in Him.


    Job knew that God was loving and merciful, in spite of what was happening in his life at that time. He knew that God would eventually deliver him, and God did. After a very difficult period, God healed him, gave him seven more sons and three more daughters, restored twice as much wealth as he had before, and restored his position in his community.
    This only happened because he remained faithful.


    God called Jeremiah to prophesy against kings and other very powerful people. Of course, they did not like this, so they would often beat him, mock him, and steal his things. This had happened to Jeremiah again, and he was getting very depressed.

    He was still trusting God, and he was giving Him praise, knowing that God would eventually deliver Him. Still, he wondered:

    Why Me?

    Do you ever wonder why it seems like everyone else is doing better than you are (hint: they’re not)? We all go through trials. How we handle them determines if we get closer to God or further away.

    Good Days

    Yes, good days do come. Probably not as many as we would like, but they do come.

    Those who trust in God will be delivered.

    Looking Ahead

    The Old Testament prophets would prophesy about Jesus, the coming Messiah, the Savior of the world, but they could only see part of the picture. They could not see just how much Jesus was going to do for us, but they longed to see. Even the angels wanted to know what was going to happen.

    What a Day!

    The day that Jesus was born, our salvation was born. This day was going to affect everything that came before, everything that was, and everything that was going to come.
    Jesus came to live a perfect life, then teach us how to live an abundant life in Christ, then die for our sins, and be raised up from the dead to give us eternal life.

    Fullness of Time

    At the perfect time, Jesus came to earth as a man. He lived under the same constraints, hardships, pains, and difficulties that we all experience. Then, He paid the penalty for our sin. We all deserved death, but He took our place.


    Jesus came so that we could live with Him forever. Left to ourselves, we had no chance, because no one else has ever lived a perfect, sin-free life. He wants us to trust Him and live for Him, so that we can have eternal life, rejoicing with Him forever.

    New Heaven and Earth

    God wants to be with us forever, just like a good father loves to spend time with his children. One day, everything that we know here will pass away, and it will all be new. God will create the perfect place for us to live together with Him for all of eternity.
    Oh, what a day! What a day that will be!


    Jesus is calling to you today. Will you answer? Call to Him and speak with Him. He is waiting for you.

    If you would like someone to help you with your new life with Jesus, please contact us. We would love the opportunity to get to know you better and help you on this incredible journey.