Tag: cross

  • The Value of Your Salvation

    Something Precious

    Have you ever saved up for something a long time, waiting until you finally had enough money to buy it? Maybe it was a new bike or a new car (or new to you). You might have even parked it away from everyone else, just so it wouldn’t get scratched. It didn’t matter that you had to walk further. This was something that you wanted to keep nice for a long time, because it was important to you.
    It’s been said that we spend our time and our money on what is important to us. Think about your life. What do you value most in your life?


    If I build a piece of furniture, it might mean a lot to me. I might have spent many hours designing it, choosing and buying the lumber, cutting everything precisely, assembling it, staining it, then sanding and sealing it. To me, this is worth a lot, because it cost me a lot.
    If I buy two pieces of lumber, then take five minutes to cut them and make a bench out of them, it cost me very little, so I might not consider it worth much.


    It’s also been said that something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. No matter how much I value my piece of furniture, if no one wants to buy it, it is worthless to them.
    If, on the other hand, people see it and fall in love with it, they might start bidding and outbidding each other, just so they can have that piece of furniture. Now, this same piece of furniture just became more valuable, because they consider it valuable.

    Cost of Salvation

    When this scripture says that Christ “redeemed us”, it means that He paid a price for us. He also became a curse for us, because we were cursed.

    Jesus willingly gave His life for us, even though we were sinners, because of His great love.

    Jesus humbled Himself so much that He submitted Himself to God the Father, then He “emptied Himself” and became a man – not just a man, but a servant of men. He then submitted Himself to becoming a curse and the subject of public humiliation.

    For Jesus, this was the highest cost possible.

    Jesus told His disciples, the day before His crucifixion:

    No Value of Salvation

    Even though Jesus created the whole universe, including every person, many people rejected Him, and they still are rejecting Him today. They don’t understand what is available to them if they would only come to Him in repentance.

    To them, the value of their salvation is zero – worthless.

    High Value of Salvation

    I have read stories of Christians refusing to turn away from Jesus, then being killed (martyred) for that decision. Some were killed by lions in the Roman Colosseum. Others were burned to death. Even today, there are many Christians who are being killed because of their faith.
    I have also heard stories of Christians in other countries getting up very early and walking for hours every Sunday, just so they can meet and worship with other Christians. Some even start their weekly journey the night before. After their church service, they make the trip back home.

    To these Christians, the value of their salvation is very high – even priceless.

    Your Valuation of Salvation

    The early believers spent as much time together as they could. They were hungry and thirsty for more of God.

    Because some people did not like what Paul and Silas were preaching, they had them beaten and thrown in prison. Instead of complaining to each other and to God, they were rejoicing with songs of praise to God. God responded to their faith with an incredible miracle that caused the salvation of the jailer and his family, along with many others who heard of this story.


    It’s easy to get discouraged when difficult things happen or it looks like no one else cares. Sometimes, it can be hard, painful, or costly to worship the Lord. Do you think it’s just too hard?

    What value do you place on meeting with other Christians?
    What value do you place on your relationship with Jesus?
    Are you willing to sacrifice everything just to remain faithful to Him?


    We would love to speak with you or have you worship the Lord with us. Please let us know how we can serve you.