Author: Pastor Bert Mendelson

  • What a Day!

    Hard Days

    Sometimes, life just seems too hard. Rent is due. Car needs work. Kids need new clothes. Having trouble with my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/fill-in-the-blank. On top of it all, some artificial intelligence (AI) is probably about to take my job and make me obsolete!
    In some ways, in seems like it would have been easier to live in a different time. In other ways, we can marvel at what we see and be thankful that we live in this time (can you say air conditioning?). The Bible tells us about people who also went through struggles – some of them far worse.


    We can understand how Job felt. He had seven sons and three daughters. He was very wealthy, and everyone respected him. In one day, all of his cattle were either stolen or killed, and all of his children were killed. He lost all of his possessions. Later, he got some type of skin disease. He looked and felt horrible. He had nothing. He lost all of his children. All of his friends and neighbors considered him cursed of God, and even the children mocked him. His best friends came to comfort him, but they only made him feel worse.
    He no longer wanted to exist. Notice, though, that he never mentioned suicide, nor did he curse God. Instead, he praised God and confirmed his trust in Him.


    Job knew that God was loving and merciful, in spite of what was happening in his life at that time. He knew that God would eventually deliver him, and God did. After a very difficult period, God healed him, gave him seven more sons and three more daughters, restored twice as much wealth as he had before, and restored his position in his community.
    This only happened because he remained faithful.


    God called Jeremiah to prophesy against kings and other very powerful people. Of course, they did not like this, so they would often beat him, mock him, and steal his things. This had happened to Jeremiah again, and he was getting very depressed.

    He was still trusting God, and he was giving Him praise, knowing that God would eventually deliver Him. Still, he wondered:

    Why Me?

    Do you ever wonder why it seems like everyone else is doing better than you are (hint: they’re not)? We all go through trials. How we handle them determines if we get closer to God or further away.

    Good Days

    Yes, good days do come. Probably not as many as we would like, but they do come.

    Those who trust in God will be delivered.

    Looking Ahead

    The Old Testament prophets would prophesy about Jesus, the coming Messiah, the Savior of the world, but they could only see part of the picture. They could not see just how much Jesus was going to do for us, but they longed to see. Even the angels wanted to know what was going to happen.

    What a Day!

    The day that Jesus was born, our salvation was born. This day was going to affect everything that came before, everything that was, and everything that was going to come.
    Jesus came to live a perfect life, then teach us how to live an abundant life in Christ, then die for our sins, and be raised up from the dead to give us eternal life.

    Fullness of Time

    At the perfect time, Jesus came to earth as a man. He lived under the same constraints, hardships, pains, and difficulties that we all experience. Then, He paid the penalty for our sin. We all deserved death, but He took our place.


    Jesus came so that we could live with Him forever. Left to ourselves, we had no chance, because no one else has ever lived a perfect, sin-free life. He wants us to trust Him and live for Him, so that we can have eternal life, rejoicing with Him forever.

    New Heaven and Earth

    God wants to be with us forever, just like a good father loves to spend time with his children. One day, everything that we know here will pass away, and it will all be new. God will create the perfect place for us to live together with Him for all of eternity.
    Oh, what a day! What a day that will be!


    Jesus is calling to you today. Will you answer? Call to Him and speak with Him. He is waiting for you.

    If you would like someone to help you with your new life with Jesus, please contact us. We would love the opportunity to get to know you better and help you on this incredible journey.

  • Saving for the Future


    Most people want to save up for something. Maybe it’s a new car, or a better house, or college education. Whatever it is, it’s worth sacrificing a little today, so they can have something nice in the future. We all dream of a better life, nicer clothes, living in a new neighborhood, etc.
    What are we willing to give up now to get our dream in the future?

    Delay of Gratification

    Saving for the future usually requires denying ourselves something now. If we want to buy a house, we might need to rent a less-expensive apartment, so we can save up for the down payment on a house. If we want to send our children to better schools, we probably can’t go out to eat every night.
    If we want to follow Jesus now, there are some things that we have to give up.

    Self-denial sounds like a bad thing, but it’s not always bad. For example, I intentionally deny myself food I don’t like. I also deny myself the act of hitting my head against a wall (usually). Most importantly, I deny myself things that will come between me and my relationship with God. To me, not having that closeness with Jesus hurts more than wall-induced headaches.
    What are some of the things that come between us and God?


    Idolatry is when we worship someone or something more than, or instead of God alone. It can also be considering something else more important than He is to us. Throughout the Bible, God uses the example of marriage to show our relationship with Him. He created us so that He could love us.

    Here, Paul is telling us some of the things that God views as idolatry – worshiping a different god. They are also things that harm our lives and the lives of those around us.
    Immorality: Just like Adam and Eve, we were created to marry someone of the opposite sex and live with them for the rest of our lives. Any other sex might seem like fun at the time, but it always causes heartache in the end, leaving ruined lives behind.
    Impurity: There are temptations all around us in movies, the Internet, social media, or just crude jokes with friends or coworkers. What we do starts with what we think.
    Passion: Passion within a marriage is good; anything else is not.
    Evil desire: wanting something that we know we should not have. A young child might dream of eating nothing but candy and sweets. That can keep them from actually eating good, nutritious food, though.
    Greed: It can be easy, at times, to see someone else with something that we want. We might think that we deserve it more than they do. A major part of living a life pleasing to God is accepting how he created us. I will never be the richest or poorest. I will never be the best-looking or the worst-looking. There are many things that we will never be, but we will always be created in the image of God, and worthy of living a godly life.


    Paul learned, through his life experiences, how to be content, whether he had a lot or a little. He knew that wherever he was in life, His heavenly Father would be there with him, helping him every step of the way.

    Easy Labor

    Yes, we do have to work in this life, but Jesus told us to take His yoke, to take His burden. When we are living for the devil, we carry a heavy burden of sin, guilt, and shame. Jesus wants to set us free from all of that.

    The Enemy

    We do have an actual enemy called the devil or Satan. Long ago, he was jealous of God and wanted to be God. God, thankfully, did not allow that. He banished Satan from His presence. Since God created us (and not the angels) in His image, Satan hates us and delights in hurting us. This is why he tempts us with evil things. He knows that they will separate us from God. He knows that they will keep us in bondage to him, not set us free in Christ.

    Finding Your Life

    In order to have a good life now, and for eternity, we need to be willing to give up the harmful things in our lives. Nothing in this world can compare to spending eternity with Jesus in heaven, and the best part is that we don’t have to wait. We can live that abundant life right now.

    Abundant Life

    When Jesus said “abundantly”, He used a word that meant something that exceeded what was necessary – a super-abundance.

    Down Payment

    The same Holy Spirit Who was there in creation, the same Holy Spirit Who enabled Jesus to live a sin-free life, the same Holy Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead, has been given to us, by Jesus, as a pledge, or down payment, with much more to come.

    Divine Helper

    When Jesus was walking this earth with His disciples, He could only be one place at one time. In order to complete His work, He needed to be wherever His children were, whenever they needed Him. After He died for us on the cross, then was raised up again, He sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us, to help us, and to give us a taste of what to expect in heaven.

    Building for the Future

    The things that we do determine what we have. If we build a shelter out of cardboard, it will protect us from the sun, but not from any rain. If we build a substantial house, with a strong foundation, strong walls, and a reinforced roof, even a hurricane won’t be able to blow it down.
    The trials of life will test what we are building today. After this life is over, there will be a judgment day that will test what we are building. If we build with gold and silver, they will only get stronger and more purified when tested by fire. We can settle for less, but the end result will ultimately be less, and might even be completely burned up.

    Crown of Righteousness

    At the end of our lives, may we all be able to say, as Paul did, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.” If we do this, we will also have a “crown of righteousness” waiting for us. Truly, Jesus is the only one Who deserves this crown, but He wants to share this with everyone who has “loved His appearing.”

    Eternal Life

    Ever since the Garden of Eden, God has been calling to us to spend time with Him. Today can be the start of a new beginning for you. Call to Him today, and He will help you on a journey that we keep going up, all the way to eternity.

    If you would like to discuss this with someone or would like prayer, please send us a message by clicking here.

  • New Year New Life

    New Year

    We are about to start a new calendar year. Many people make resolutions – “this year I will get in shape”, or “this year I will study harder”, or “this year I will be nicer.” What if we went to the extreme and said, “this year, I will be a new person – the person that God created me to be?”

    New Mind

    God is calling us to offer ourselves, not as physical sacrifices, but as spiritual sacrifices. This is our spiritual, or rational, or logical service of worship to Him. This is one of the paradoxes in the Christian. A sacrifice in the Old Testament always died, but we are called on to be a “living and holy sacrifice.” Jesus told us that each one of us needs to “deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).
    In our own strength, this is impossible, but if we focus on Jesus and make Him the most important Person in our lives, and serving Him the most important task in our lives, He will give us the strength to see it through. Verse 2 above is one of the keys. We need to not “go with the flow” (“do not be conformed to this world”). Going along to get along is easy. It’s like floating in the middle of a river – you just let it take you wherever it goes. God has called us to do the hard thing – swim against the current. The word “holy” means separate. We are called to be separate from the ungodly things in the world, and separated to and for God Himself.

    Sound Judgment

    Small boy with sumo wrestler

    Many times, our opinion of ourselves is not accurate. We might feel like we are better/more capable than we are (the young boy above). We might feel like we are less capable than we are. Knowing and accepting who we are and where we are is important. God has created each one of us with special gifts that should be used for His glory.

    God has given each one of us “a measure of faith.” Your faith might be enough to move mountains (Matthew 21:21). Maybe you are asking God for faith to believe in Him. A humble heart is what He is looking for. We need to not be prideful; we should not think “more highly” of ourselves than we “ought to think.” Jesus showed us incredible humility. He left His place as creator of the universe and came to live with us, being born as a baby, completely dependent on His earthly parents, then offered Himself up as a sacrifice for our sins. Throughout His life, He walked humbly among us, never sinning, showing us the way to live.

    Ultimate Humility

    A humble person is next in line, but lets someone else go first.
    A humble person might tell the boss that their coworker deserves the promotion instead of them.
    A humble person sees someone else doing well and is happy for them, not jealous.
    A humble person thanks God for all of their blessings, even if they don’t have much.
    A humble person know that without Christ, they can do nothing.
    A humble person shares what they have, knowing that all good things come from God.
    A humble person recognizes that God created them, just as they are, because God loves them. A humble person will look for God’s will and purpose in their life, because they are grateful for the opportunity to be of service to the Creator of the Universe.

    Perfect Example

    Jesus didn’t just tell us how to serve each other; He showed us. He gave His life, so we could live. Don’t look to control other people. Look for ways to help them, to serve them.

    New Birth

    Every new birth begins with a new life. A man named Nicodemus came to Jesus with questions. Jesus told him that he needed a fresh start. He needed to be “born again.”

    Being born again is when a person decides to live the rest of their life for Jesus, and give Him control (make Him Lord) of their life. They understand their own sin, and that Jesus willingly paid the penalty for their sin.
    This is a new life, and a new way of living. It starts now and continues into eternity, with Jesus, in heaven.

    If you would like to discuss this with someone or would like prayer, please send us a message by clicking here.

  • Miracles

    What is a Miracle?

    A miracle is an event where God intervenes in the natural world, to bring about an unlikely or impossible result. The Bible records many such events. We even hear stories of miracles today, possibly even witnessing or participating in them. The creation of the earth and the universe was miraculous.

    Creation itself was a miracle. The gospel of John states that Jesus (the Word) was with the Father and the Holy Spirit, creating everything “that has come into being.”

    Egyptian Plagues

    Many years ago, the Jewish nation was in slavery in Egypt. God wanted His people to be set free, but the Pharaoh (king) did not want to let them go, so God sent ten “plagues” on the Egyptians.

    Some of these could be explained away as “coincidence”, but not all of them. This was judgment on Egypt for enslaving the Jews. These plagues were leading up to the last plague, the death of the firstborn of all Egyptian people and animals. This is also known as Passover, because this is when the God’s judgment “passed over” His people, the Jews.
    By the way, notice how God passes judgment, not people.

    Red Sea

    The Egyptian army was probably the most powerful army at that time. The Jewish nation had nothing with which to fight, and they were not trained.

    Moses parting the Red Sea

    God supernaturally protected them. Water does not normally just stand up “like a wall” (verse 22).

    Moses parting the Red Sea

    Pharaoh’s army was destroyed, because they did not acknowledge what God was doing. Their pride blinded them to what was happening right in front of them.

    Virgin Birth

    This prophecy was about 700 years before Jesus was born. It was obviously prophesying a miracle – this goes against nature itself. It was completely impossible.

    “Know not a man” means that she was a true virgin, as most translations say. By this miracle, God married the human race, through Mary. God gave us Jesus as a gift, in a truly miraculous way, so He could perform the miracle of reconciling us to Himself.


    Jesus gave of Himself, sacrificing Himself on the cross, so that we could be reconciled with Him. God is holy, so holy that anyone with sin would instantly die in His presence. We were sinful, without any hope of heaven. Jesus paid the debt that we owed, so that we could be with Him forever.
    Even after His resurrection and returning to heaven, He continued to perform miracles through His followers, by the Holy Spirit.

    New Testament Miracles

    This Philip was not a trained minister. He had not studied the scriptures. He was chosen to help lead the feeding of the poor widows in the church. Because he loved the Lord and trusted in Him, God was using him in mighty ways.


    Jesus told His disciples that these signs would follow them. This does not mean that we should go around drinking poison and playing with cobras. It does mean that we should live supernatural lives. We should not settle for natural lives. God has created us for more.
    Creation started with a miracle. Our lives should be miracles – every day.

  • Dip Your Toes or Jump Right In

    Test the Waters

    When we want to go swimming, but don’t know how cold the water is, we will usually dip our toes and test it. If the water is to our liking, we might dive in. If we’re not sure, we might go slowly and get used to it, first. It seems these days there are more and more people trying to scam us.

    • Email – “You have been chosen to help a prince who was unfairly cheated out of his money, and he will gladly give you part of it.” (just give us your bank account info, etc.)
    • Web sites – “Click here, or you will miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
    • Social media – This incredibly good-looking, perfect person wants to get to know you better (they have a great “investment” opportunity for you, also).
    • Radio/TV – “If you don’t buy our product, you’ll be sorry.”

    How do we know who or what to trust? Sometimes, we need to “test the waters.” Other times, we see the waters are good, so it’s time to go!

    Ezekiel was a prophet to the people of Judah who had been taken captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar. The temple had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. God gave Ezekiel a very detailed vision of a new temple.
    Earlier in this vision, Ezekiel saw the Spirit of God entering the temple. Now, he sees a trickle of water coming out from under the south side of the temple, heading east. At first, the water was just a trickle.

    Deeper and Deeper Water

    The further they go, the deeper the water gets. The angel with Ezekiel shows him trees on the river bank that are being watered by this river.

    Purifying Water

    This water brings life to everyone and everything it touches. In the Bible, water usually symbolizes the Holy Spirit. The further we are willing to go with God, the deeper the water gets. This water purifies us and fills us; it brings new life. Without the water, we will die of spiritual thirst.
    Ps.42:1 – “As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God.”

    The Test of Tithing

    Tithing is a big step for most people. God instructed His people in the Old Testament to give to Him (through the priests) the first 10% of their increase – possessions, income, etc. Most of us work hard for our money, and there never seems to be enough to do everything we want. Malachi 3:10 is the only place in the Bible where God says specifically to test Him. It’s interesting that it involves trusting Him with our money.
    This is another step getting us deeper.

    From Glory to Glory

    As we walk with Christ – in Christ – we are being changed.
    The further we go, the more we are cleansed.
    The further we go, the deeper we go.
    The further we go, the more like Jesus we become.
    Change is hard; sometimes, it hurts. Sometimes, it’s hard to trust God “one more time.” That was the case with a man who came to Jesus. His son was possessed by a demon. It was torturing his son, causing him to have fits.

    Believing One More Time

    Since the boy was a young child, this father had been trying everything. Nothing worked, no matter how hard he tried or how much he “believed.” This father heard about Jesus healing others. He was afraid to get his hopes up. He asked for Jesus to help his unbelief.
    He asked Jesus to help him take one step deeper.
    Jesus did help, and He healed his son.

    A Mustard Seed

    A mustard seed is very small. When it is planted and watered and gets enough sun, it grows into a full tree – many times larger than the small seed that was planted.

    Spiritual Death and Resurrection

    We have to die to ourselves, so we can live in Christ. We have to be willing to keep going deeper with Christ. If we do, we will grow and flourish. We will also see others around us benefit, and the kingdom of God will grow – eternally.

  • A Perfect Heart


    We all have a desire to be really good at something – whether for ourselves or someone else. We like to have people look up to us. God calls us to be perfect, as well.

    God is Perfect

    There is no sin in God. He never makes mistakes. He never needs a “do-over.” He always does the right thing. He never says the wrong thing. He is perfect. We all know ourselves. We know that we have never been perfect. We also know that no one else around us is perfect. How can we be perfect, then?

    What Is God Looking For?

    God knows our hearts. He knows if we truly desire to love Him and serve Him. He also knows if we don’t really want to serve Him, but would rather go after our own desires, forgetting about Him.

    God is looking for people who long to spend time with Him, people who enjoy spending time with Him, the way we might love to hang out with our best friend. God created us in His own image, so it makes sense that He would have some of the same desires for companionship that we have.

    Before my children were born, I knew that I would love them, and I did (still do). Before God created us, He knew He would love us, and He did (and still does). I love spending time with my children and grandchildren. God loves spending time with us. Do we act like the son or daughter who never calls their parents?

    He Makes Us Holy

    I have heard some people say that they have done too much for God to forgive, that they are just too evil. Similarly, some people think that they are good enough, that they do more good than bad, so of course they will go to heaven.

    We all fall into this category: all. We can’t do this on our own, but we can do it by the grace of God.

    God is able to do what we could never do. He not only is able, He wants to purify us, so we can fellowship with Him.

    Jesus left His place in heaven so that we could be forgiven of our sins. The reason He did this was so that we could go to Him with a pure heart and spend time with Him.

    Our Part

    Yes, we do have a part that we need to do. We have to be willing to offer up our lives in this world, so that Jesus can save us from this world.

    This might seem like a difficult thing, until we think about the pain, guilt, and loneliness that we all have. God is offering each one of us the opportunity – every day – to be free from conformity to this world, with all of its misery, so that He can transform our minds back to the way that He created us. I have found that we all need to get to this point ourselves, when we realize that this world has nothing truly good to offer us, outside of God. When we submit ourselves to His will, then we find true freedom – freedom from sin and all of its consequences.

    Are We Ready?

    God is ready, and He is waiting for us. He longs to spend time with you. Do you long to spend time with Him? I invite you to try it. Find a place of prayer, all by yourself, and start talking with Him.

    If you would like speak with us, please reach out by going to our contact page and leaving us a note.